Sunshine Blogger Award in Abstract And Blogger Recognition Award


This is my third Sunshine Blogger Award and this time is given by Suzi from My Colourful Life. Thank you so much Suzi! Check out her blog and she would make your day colourful!

I painted a sunshine in abstract for the Sunshine Blogger Award Logo. hope you enjoy it!

The Sunshine Blogger award is given by bloggers to bloggers who inspire positivity and creativity in the blogging community.

The rules of the Sunshine Blogger Award are as follows:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and links back to their site.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by your nominator.
  • Nominate at least 11 more bloggers for the award and write 11 new, creative questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Notify your nominees via social media or by commenting on their blog.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your site or in your post.


Suzi’s Questions & my answers are :

  1. Where is the best place you have visited? Bali
  2. If you could re-live any age, what age would you pick and why? 20’s, full of life, youth, chances, and freedom!
  3. What was your favourite subject in school? Math & English
  4. If you had to choose one outfit to wear for the rest of your life what would it be? T-shirt and jeans
  5. What is the best piece of advice you could give to younger you? Be focus, discipline and believe in yourself!
  6. What is your favourite colour? White
  7. What pets have you had? dogs, hamsters, bunnies, turtles, fish, hermit crab.
  8. How would you spend a perfect summer day? Walking down the little shops and park, wearing a nice summer dress while eating ice cream with my loved ones.
  9. What is your favourite film? Too many!
  10. Do you have a skincare routine?  What are your favourite products? Just face creams and moisturizers.
  11. Would you take part in my “Saturday Shout Out“? (Sorry, shameless self-promotion there) Would love to!

My questions are :

  1. Which beach is the best?
  2. What is your favorite things that associated with coastal?
  3. Yellow or blue?
  4. What seafood is your favorite?
  5. Sunshine or Sundown?
  6. Anchor or Ship Wheel?
  7. Sunflowers or Seahorses?
  8. Seaside or the sea?
  9. House by the sea or house by the beach?
  10. What do you think of lighthouse?
  11. Do you think Spongebob Squarepants is a nautical nonsense or a hilarious cartoon?

My Nominees are :

  1. Jyoticorner
  2. Dear Kitty
  3. Life On The Patio
  4. Chocoviv’s Lifestyle Blog


This is my second Blogger Recognition Award, thanks again to Suzi and don’t forget to check her wonderful blog!


  • Thank the blogger(s) for nominating you and give the link to their blog!
  • Write a post on your site, displaying the award, that describes why you started your blog.
  • Write 2 pieces of advice you have for new bloggers.
  • Nominate (and notify!) 15 more bloggers that are awesome.


Why I have started this blog?

The reason I start a blog is because I need an outlet to feed my creativity; something I passion about, which are art and design. I need to create something and share my creations to inspire. I love many forms of art, but I don’t think I can master it all  in this short life and no way I can make it all happen in one blog, so I chose certain subjects to be in my blog, which are DIYs, Crafts, Arts, Designs, Decors, Interiors & Mini-Scale Architectures.

My advices are :

  1. Write posts that will bring benefits to others
  2. Do not just receive but also must give back

My Nominees are :

  1. 40 ‘fore Forty
  2. Roxana Preduti
  3. I Am Jann Doe
  4. Freya’s DIY Corner

For more of my future Coastal Summer theme posts, please follow me! And if you wanted to add my creations to your Pinterest boards, please follow me on Pinterest! Also find me on Instagram and Twitter!

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And for creative fellow bloggers, don’t forget to join “You’re The Star” Blog Hop ! Link your inspiring posts every Monday and get a change to be featured! Starting June 2019, I will be co-hosting the blog hop and would love to see you there! Join and share the news!

See you all!

Let your creativity shines and recognized!


Sunshine Blogger Award – Coastal Sunshine

This is my second Sunshine Blogger Award  and I was nominated by dear Ribana. She gave me sunshine of happiness so I painted a sunflower with coastal background color which goes along with my theme nautical summer. Make sure you check out Ribana’s blog Popsicle Society, you will entertained by her positive, cheerful and beautiful words, moreover you can enjoy her experiences with food and travel!



The Sunshine Blogger Award is peers recognition award for bloggers who inspire readers by promoting positivity and bringing joy.


  • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  • Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  • List the rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or your blog site.


Ribana’s questions and my answers:

  1. Is the sunshine affecting your mood? Yes, depends on the intensity
  2. Can you be called sunshine? Honestly, I don’t know 😀
  3. What brings you joy and happiness in your life? my family
  4. Are you happy? Yes
  5. Would you change something in your life? Not really
  6. If you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? In artsy life, It would be Europe.
  7. Do you like your job? Hmm, now I’m a blogger and I consider blogging is a job, so…yes I love my job 🙂
  8. If your boss would offer you a job in a different country, would you accept it? Well. I’m my own boss right now 😀
  9. How important is for you to be honest? Very! It defines you
  10. When was the last time you’ve cooked at home? Today
  11. Are you pursuing your dreams? Of course, you would loose your purpose if you don’t chase your dreams every day.

My questions:

  1. Which beach is the best?
  2. What is your favorite things that associated with coastal?
  3. Yellow or blue?
  4. What seafood is your favorite?
  5. Sunshine or Sundown?
  6. Anchor or Ship Wheel?
  7. Sunflowers or Seahorses?
  8. Seaside or the sea?
  9. House by the sea or house by the beach?
  10. What do you think of lighthouse?
  11. Do you think Spongebob Squarepants is a nautical nonsense or a hilarious cartoon?

My nominees:

  1. Kathy’s Crafts and Things
  2. Positive Side Of The Coin

Thanks again Ribana, you are so sweet! And for Kathy and Anjali, congrats!

For more of my future Nautical Summer theme posts, please follow me! And if you wanted to add my creations to your Pinterest board, please follow me on Pinterest! Also find me on Instagram!

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And for creative fellow bloggers, don’t forget to join “You’re The Star” Blog Hop ! Link your inspiring posts every Monday and get a change to be featured! Starting June 2019, I will be co-hosting the blog hop and would love to see you there! Join and share the news!

See you soon!

Let your creativity shines!


Sunshine Blogger Award

Sunshine Blogger Award

Not long after I’d got nominated with Liebster Award, my other fellow blogger has nominated me too, and it was a Sunshine Blogger Award! How thrilling and honored! I kept the joy to myself until I was able to find time to write this post carefully and share it with all of you today. This award is coming from my lovely blogger friend, Our Little Red House, which I give much thanks to. Please stop by her wonderful blog, she would share her fruitful stories and her cute mini crafts, enjoy it!

Here are The Sunshine Blogger Award rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you for the Sunshine Award and link back to their blog
  2. Answer the questions set by the person who nominated you
  3. Nominate other blogs and give them questions to answer
  4. Notify your nominees through social media or commenting on their blog
  5. List the “rules” and display a Sunshine Award logo in your post

The questions I have to answer is :

  • What is your favorite holiday memory and include your favorite gift, food, and throw in an embarrassing moment too if you like, all holiday related please.

Well, every holiday gives different happy memories, so I couldn’t choose one particular year. From my mom’s cook until my cook becomes my and my own family’s favorite. My favorite gift would be something that puzzled me from guessing it but something I’ve been yearning for. Hmm, I guess I don’t get embarrassed too much in front of family 🙂

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And these are my Sunshine Blogger Award nominees:

  1. Little Banyan Tree
  2. Everyday Magic With Jubilee
  3. Elin’s Era
  4. Dandelion Bouquets
  5. Sophie Marshall
  6. Diana’s Easy Real Food Recipes
  7. Lanature 76
  8. Die Produkt Tester Familie
  9. Simply My Swank
  10. Glossy You
  11. Le Grand Art

Congratulations to the nominees! Hope you glad to receive The Sunshine Blogger Award and pass it to other creative inspiring bloggers you know. I try my best to share my awards to my lovely followers but I don’t have enough awards to share it with all which I think are awesome bloggers.

Now, the 11 Sunshine Blogger Award questions from me to you:

For the coming 2019, what is your :

  1. Goal for your life?
  2. Goal for your blog?
  3. Three things must do?
  4. Desired destination you have to go?
  5. Precious memory to keep from 2018?
  6. Biggest calendar event?
  7. Favorite movie that you have waited to watch?
  8. Wished skill you wanted to learn?
  9. Gift you wanting to share to others?
  10. Curious food that you’re going to try?
  11. Resolution?

Hope you enjoy answering my Sunshine Blogger Award questions! Thank you and have a great New Year of 2019!


Sun shines on creativity!

See you again soon!
