DIY Word Puzzle From Art Foam Sheet To Help Kids Learn To Spell

DIY Word Puzzle From Art Foam Sheet To Help Kids Learn To Spell

Kids usually need fun way to learn something. In this case, learn to spell. Some learn the fun way of spelling from songs, books, and so on. Here, I use word puzzle to teach my kid learn to spell. By, solving the word puzzle over and over, the letters that create the word will automatically recorded in your child’s mind, without even realizing it. For that, I came out with the idea of making my own diy puzzle, so I can choose any words I want my kid to learn the spelling. I chose the art foam sheet because it is easy to cut, elastic so it’s quite durable and comes in many colors.

What things to prepare to make diy word puzzle from art foam sheet :

  • Colorful art foam sheets
  • Glue
  • Cutter
  • Pencil


Steps to make word puzzle to help kids learn to spell :

  1. Determine words and object that you wanted to make for the puzzle. I chose the words “MOMMY” and “DADDY”.
  2. Select the colors of the art foam sheets and cut it into sizes that you desired in three sheets. Mine is around 30 cm / 12 inches times 7 cm / 3 inches and I used green, purple, and brown art foam sheets.
  3. Sketch the letters of each word on the cut art foam sheet. and add an object to make it interesting. I made star for “DADDY” and flower for “MOMMY”.
  4. Cut the sketched letters and objects carefully.
  5. I made it into two-sided puzzle to save the foam sheets. So, glue together the cut “DADDY” (brown) and plain foam sheet (brown) and the cut “MOMMY” sheet (green) like sandwich. Let it dry.
  6. Copy the letters of cut-out “MOMMY” with flower and “DADDY” with star into other art foam sheets with different color. I had “MOMMY” in purple and “DADDY” in green. This is to have more thickness to the letters and objects so it will pop out and easier to be taken off and put it back on.
  7. Then glue the cut-out letters and objects together and let it dry.
  8. Glue back on the cut-out holes from letters, in my case are the letter D, A, O; onto the art foam sandwich. Let it dry.
  9. Now, put back all the letters and objects where it belongs like you are solving a puzzle.
  10. The word puzzle from art foam sheets is ready! and you do it yourself! Now, it’s time to help your kids learn to spell and have fun!


This would be a great activity and learning time for your kids, especially kids who love solving puzzles. You can get creative with the words and objects and the colors, like your child’s name with his/her favorite colors and shape.

I add the glitter star on “DADDY” star and flower ribbon on “MOMMY” flower to make it more interesting for kids. Anyway, this is a very easy and cheap project to do, but the value is high because it helps your kid to learn to spell and also play with puzzle, fun learning! So, have fun trying!


Spell “CREATIVE” !

See you!



Note: I entered below challenges for this project :

  1. 4 Crafty Chicks – Out of this world/space
  2. Crafty Friends – Anything goes
  3. Crafty Creations – Anything goes
  4. Love To Craft – Anything goes
  5. Craftaholics – Anything goes