DIY Towel Cake & Towel Swan For Bridal Decor

DIY Towel Cake & Towel Swan For Bridal Decor


I love bridal decor, so feminine, so sweet, so elegant, mostly white or ivory; all those things that I like. So, on this post I would like to share my DIY creations of towel cake and towel swan.



Maybe one of you who read this, is about to celebrate the most important day in her or his life and you happened to search for bridal decor inspiration. Well, I tell you, towel creations are one of the perfect decor for your bridal room. Why?

  1. It’s an easy DIY to make, especially the swan towel, super easy! By DIY you can save more money, rather than you have to pay someone else to make it for you.
  2. Not expensive materials would already do a perfect towel cake or towel swan. I did it with only ivory towels, some plastic flowers, ribbons, pearls and sewing pins.
  3. And the best part is you don’t have to throw the bridal decor after the ceremony, because you can use the towels and keep the ornaments for other craft purposes. Nothing to waste!


You may also have more creations that you would like to make, since I only gave my two creations that I have made in the past; the bridal towel cake and the towel swan. And you can even make it more spectacular than mine, since you have seen mine and be inspired. This DIY towel cake and towel swan would be also perfect to be combined and incorporated with other bridal decorations to have more complex bridal decor. Well, I hope you get inspired in this month of love!



Stay lovely and creative!

See you!

