Fun Summer Activity for Kids – Rock Painting

My kid kept asking me to paint some rocks together. Finally, I have the rocks to do it. We were looking for a theme for the rock painting until my kid agree to make some fruits out of rock painting. It’s summer and fruits do looks very yummy on hot days. So we made different kind of fruits and if you look carefully, you will know which ones are my kid’s and which ones are mine.

Rock painting fruits is easy to do but it’s surely need some patience because it has to be done in phases and waiting for the paint to dry. So I guess, this rock painting activity does teaches kids to be patience, be detail and careful, aside to learn about painting works and color selection. Rock painting for colorful fruits is just one of perfect summer activities for kids. Let see how!

Things To Prepare

I intentionally bought white rocks for this fruit rock painting project. So if you like collecting rocks, then this is one of the great way to upgrade your rock collection. Let’s see what are the complete super short list supplies that are used to make this Fun Summer Activity For Kids – Rock Painting :

  • White rocks (choose wide, flat and smooth-surface rocks. If you have black or other color rocks, paint it in white first as the base color.)
  • Acrylic paint (red, white, green, yellow)
  • Tooth picks and paint brush
  • Black marker

How To Make

Rock painting looks pretty simple and easy, but it takes some patience and tricks to do it in a faster way. Follow these easy steps on how to have Fun Summer Activity For Kids by doing Fruits Rock Painting :

1 . Make sure your rocks are cleaned. If your rocks are not white rocks, paint it into white first. Mine are white rocks. Decide what fruits do you want to make.

2. Me and my kid made kiwis, oranges, strawberries, and watermelons. What you have to do is to choose the shape of the rock that resembles the shape of each fruit that you’re going to paint. Like for example, try to find round shape rock for an orange, a triangle shape rock for a piece of watermelon and so on.

3 .Prepare your paint and a big bowl of clean water. The water is to wash the color away from the brush every time you need to change color. I also use large paper to protect my floor from the paint, it’s going to be a bit messy.

4. I started with green paint. I paint the strawberry leaves on one side of the rock; continued with watermelon’s skin, also on one side of the rock; and last with the kiwi’s skin. Ask your kid to go along or copy the way you paint it. By the time I finished with the kiwi, the strawberry would already dried, then you can do the same again by painting the strawberry’s leaves on the other side and so on.

5. We went back to strawberry rock again. After cleaning our brush, we use red paint and paint the strawberry and continued with watermelon. Then wait for a while and do the same on the other side of the strawberry and watermelon rocks.

6. Move on to the kiwis, have the paint in lighter green (mix green with white to get lighter green). paint the inner kiwi and leave a little circle for some yellowish green in the middle. let it dry.

7. It’s time for the oranges! Get orange paint (can mix red and yellow to get orange color) and start to paint the outer rock. Continued with lighter orange color for the inner orange. Let it dry.

8. Now we go back to the strawberries! Get a toothpick and use it to give a white paint dots all over the strawberry rock. Let it dry.

9. Get a black marker and start to give dots on the watermelon rock; it will look like watermelon seeds. Followed by strawberry, make the dots next to the white dots. And you are finish with the strawberry and watermelon.

10. It’s turn for the kiwi, give the black dots around the inner circle. And kiwi is finish!

11. And last is the orange, apply white paint or you can use white marker to make the orange pith. I use toothpick, but I think you can have a better result with white marker. Orange is finish too! Yay!

Rock painting is just a great kid’s activity to do together on Summer holiday. Your kids can learn to be patience and play with color mixing and and have fun painting. With good result, your rock painting of fruits can be presented as a plater of fruit rock decoration. Cute vibrant colors of the fruits will look perfect for Summer.

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