Sunshine Blogger Award

Sunshine Blogger Award

Not long after I’d got nominated with Liebster Award, my other fellow blogger has nominated me too, and it was a Sunshine Blogger Award! How thrilling and honored! I kept the joy to myself until I was able to find time to write this post carefully and share it with all of you today. This award is coming from my lovely blogger friend, Our Little Red House, which I give much thanks to. Please stop by her wonderful blog, she would share her fruitful stories and her cute mini crafts, enjoy it!

Here are The Sunshine Blogger Award rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you for the Sunshine Award and link back to their blog
  2. Answer the questions set by the person who nominated you
  3. Nominate other blogs and give them questions to answer
  4. Notify your nominees through social media or commenting on their blog
  5. List the “rules” and display a Sunshine Award logo in your post

The questions I have to answer is :

  • What is your favorite holiday memory and include your favorite gift, food, and throw in an embarrassing moment too if you like, all holiday related please.

Well, every holiday gives different happy memories, so I couldn’t choose one particular year. From my mom’s cook until my cook becomes my and my own family’s favorite. My favorite gift would be something that puzzled me from guessing it but something I’ve been yearning for. Hmm, I guess I don’t get embarrassed too much in front of family 🙂

Related image

And these are my Sunshine Blogger Award nominees:

  1. Little Banyan Tree
  2. Everyday Magic With Jubilee
  3. Elin’s Era
  4. Dandelion Bouquets
  5. Sophie Marshall
  6. Diana’s Easy Real Food Recipes
  7. Lanature 76
  8. Die Produkt Tester Familie
  9. Simply My Swank
  10. Glossy You
  11. Le Grand Art

Congratulations to the nominees! Hope you glad to receive The Sunshine Blogger Award and pass it to other creative inspiring bloggers you know. I try my best to share my awards to my lovely followers but I don’t have enough awards to share it with all which I think are awesome bloggers.

Now, the 11 Sunshine Blogger Award questions from me to you:

For the coming 2019, what is your :

  1. Goal for your life?
  2. Goal for your blog?
  3. Three things must do?
  4. Desired destination you have to go?
  5. Precious memory to keep from 2018?
  6. Biggest calendar event?
  7. Favorite movie that you have waited to watch?
  8. Wished skill you wanted to learn?
  9. Gift you wanting to share to others?
  10. Curious food that you’re going to try?
  11. Resolution?

Hope you enjoy answering my Sunshine Blogger Award questions! Thank you and have a great New Year of 2019!


Sun shines on creativity!

See you again soon!


22 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award”

      1. Great to have met you as well. I was really glad to have stumbled upon your blog. Again I enjoyed your work. Happy weekend😊


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